
If you want to contribute to enrich Cyclo-lib, please, send us your own simulation trajectories of cyclodextrins and we will include them in our database. Note that you should only upload your own trajectories and you should provide your complete name, official e-mail address and affiliation since the authorship of the files will be recognized in Cyclo-lib. In order to include your results in Cyclo-lib you should provide the GROMACS tpr, mdp, itp and xtc files together with the version of the software employed to generate them and the force field employed to perform the simulation. Please, note that all the trajectories currently available in Cyclo-lib are 250 ns long, take this simulation time as a reference. Too short trajectories or with too few solvent molecules could be rejected. Since the files are typically too large we encourage you to send us a link from which we can download the files. The form submission implies accepting that your results will be shared under CC by licence.

Attribution CC BY

This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials.

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